
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Catching up

So, when I left off we were at the beginning of December and I was working towards our advent calendar goals. I'm happy to say that we did accomplish most of them. Unfortunately, all of us were sick at one point or another so a few of them had to be crossed off the list. I wish I could post pictures of all the fun things we did, but I still don't have my camera. Hope to get one soon since that's the main reason why I don't post as often as I'd like to. When I read blogs, I like to look at pictures, not just read words. Oh well, moving on.

Now it's 2013 and we're almost through the month of January. How did that happen?

I didn't make any New Year Resolutions this year, however I have decided to take better care of myself. I don't want to call that a resolution because I'm afraid I'll fail if I give it that title. Crazy? I know.

In an effort to take better care of myself I plan to eat healthier and get active. Currently I'm a bump on a log. Sad to admit, but that's where I need to start. Since I stay at home with Ariana, I don't get out much. She's such a handful when I do, that I usually end up regretting taking her anywhere. Gosh, that sounds so bad.

I also plan to eat better. We all need to. There's no reason for us to eat fast food most nights of the week. I'm home, I should cook more. And that's just what I'm going to do. So far this week I've made some pretty yummy meals. Yummy enough, even the littles will eat it. Yay!

Also, (on a happier note) I just found this pinned on Pinterest!! To me that's such a huge accomplishment. I wish I could figure out how to add the "Pin It" button onto my pictures. If anyone out there knows how, could you please explain it to me in very simple terms. I just can't understand the directions Pinterest gives me, haha.

Other than that, we're having a wonderful start to 2013 and I hope that continues throughout the rest of the year. I also hope that each of you (whoever may be reading this) will also have a very wonderful year.

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