
Friday, August 31, 2012

The Big 9!!

So during my extremely long absence, my little man turned nine! I wonder if it's still okay to call him little, haha. At this point he's almost up to my shoulders (and I'm tall) and nearly 100 lbs. Not so little any more, but to me he will always be my little man.

Since his birthday is at the very end of summer, we usually have a hard time getting school friends to show up at his parties, so this year we're doing something different. I have decided to push his party back until September so hopefully more kids his age will attend. So as of now, his big party is in two weeks.

I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but in case I haven't, we're doing a Lego theme this year. I can't tell you how excited J is for this party. He's been a Lego fanatic for as long as I can remember. I will admit, though, that he got his fascination from me. I have fond memories of sitting on the floor playing and building with Legos for hours. Although the Legos of today are nothing like they were when I was young (all of 15 years ago, haha). Now you can buy complete sets (that cost an arm and a leg) and build pre-designed items. I like the concept, but I much prefer to free build, which is why I haven't bought J many sets. That, along with the price tag, plus the fact that they get destroyed as soon as we build it.

But anyways, this post is about his upcoming party. I love to plan parties. If I knew I could do it, I would love to make a career out of it. But for now, I'm all about making this one day super special for my favorite little man.

I've taken to Pinterest a lot for this party. Mainly because I have a vision for what I want, but it's just hard to see it all and Pinterest allows that. Already I have completed a few projects that I have pinned, but I also branched out and created a few of my own. That's the best part for me. Being as creative as I can, even though I may be taking someone elses idea, I try to add my own spin to it.

Another big goal for me is to do this party as cheap as possible (no surprise there, huh?). To me, the less I spend on everything, the more I can do. For that reason I shop for most of my party supplies at the dollar stores. Many of the items may look cheap, but if you add a little creativity to them, they can become really awesome. Oh, I can't wait to share all the fun things I have planned for this party. But it will have to wait for now. I'm having issues uploading photos, so once it's fixed I plan to do posts on each item, so stay tuned.

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